Appleholic, (noun), æp·əl-hɑl·ɪk: An imaginative person who thinks about what Apple is doing, why and where it is going. Delivering popular Apple-related news, advice and entertainment since 1999. has been updated for iOS, introducing new tools that help it become a collaboration productivity hub. I talked to company CEO Sam Liang, who told me a little about his vision for the future of work.
“When people think about productivity, they can forget the human part of the equation," Boomerang co-founder and CEO Aye Moah said in an interview.
Experts from the Mac, iPhone and iPad IT admin space say Apple Silicon, changes in working habits and lower-than-Windows TCO are driving Apple growth in the enterprise.
"I don’t believe you can be a credible provider of enterprise software if you’re not part of the Apple ecosystem today," says Jeetu Patel, general manager and executive vice president, Cisco security and collaboration.
I caught up with Adobe to find out more about the experience of recompiling Photoshop for Apple Silicon.