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Flashback Friday: Comply and die

Sep 11, 20202 mins
Enterprise Applications

No good deed goes unpunished.

Computerworld  |  Shark Tank
Credit: Computerworld / IDG

At this government-connected facility, all software development needs a final approval from upper management before it goes into production, says a pilot fish working there.

“The approval meetings involve a short presentation of the software, what has changed from the previous version and what bugs have been fixed,” says fish. “If upper management agrees, it’s approved and released and we go back to work on the next release.

“We only submitted bug reports for bona fide bugs that needed to be tracked for fixing, not for all code changes. If the change was an improvement, it went on our list of improvements for the future. If someone checked in a version with a missing comma, we just made the change to fix it.”

Then an edict comes down from management: Going forward, all changes to code, no matter the size or complexity, require a bug report.

Fish’s manager thinks this is dumb, but he complies with the new marching orders. By the next review, fish’s group has amassed more than 400 bug reports — of which maybe 20 are actual bugs, with the rest just bookkeeping of changes.

The day for the approval meeting arrives, and fish’s group is preceded by the presentation of another group that develops software of similar complexity — and it’s immediately apparent that the manager of that group has decided to blow off the new edict, and just file bug reports for actual bugs.

According to that manager’s report, his team had 13 bugs that needed fixing in the release and 11 of them have been fixed.

Upper management congratulates that team on their ability to fix bugs and the stability of their code. Their release is approved.

Then it’s fish’s team’s turn.

“We do our presentation, and our manager honestly presents multiple pages of bug report headers,” fish says. “He reports that of the 400 or so reports, 370 are closed — including ‘missing comma from code’ — 28 are improvements for the future, and 2 unfixed bugs exist.

“Management is outraged that our code is so bad that there are 400 bug reports. They do not approve it, pending review of the software.”


Questions that Sharky gets a lot

Q: What's a pilot fish?

A: There are two answers to that question. One is the Mother Nature version: Pilot fish are small fish that swim just ahead of sharks. When the shark changes direction, so do the pilot fish. When you watch underwater video of it, it looks like the idea to change direction occurred simultaneously to shark and pilot fish.

Thing is, sharks go pretty much anywhere they want, eating pretty much whatever they want. They lunge and tear and snatch, but in so doing, leave plenty of smorgasbord for the nimble pilot fish.

The IT version: A pilot fish is someone who swims with the sharks of enterprise IT -- and lives to tell the tale. Just like in nature, a moment's inattention could end the pilot fish's career. That's life at the reef.

Q: Are all the Sharky stories true?

A: Yes, as best we can determine.

Q: Where do the Sharky tales come from?

A: From readers. Sharky just reads and rewrites and basks in the reflected glory of you, our readers. It is as that famous fish-friendly philosopher Spinoza said, "He that can carp in the most eloquent or acute manner at the weakness of the human mind is held by his fellows as almost divine."

Q: Do I have to write my story in Sharky-ese?

A: No. Not at all. Just be sure to give us details. What happened, to whom, what he said, what she said, how it all worked out. If Sharky likes your tale of perfidy, heroism or just plain weirdness at your IT shop, he will supply his particular brand of Shark snark.

Q: I've got a really funny story, but I could get fired if my old trout of a boss found out I told you. How confidential is what I send to Sharky?

A: We don't publish names: yours, your boss's, your trout's, your company's. We try to file off the serial numbers, though there's no absolute guarantee that someone who lived through the incident won't recognize himself. Our aim is to share the outrageous, knee-slapping, milk-squirting-out-your-nose funny tales that abound in the IT world, not to get you fired. That would not be funny.

Q: How do I get each new Shark Tank tale emailed to me?

Easy. Subscribe to the newsletter.

Q: Where are the Sharkives?

Tales of old can be found in Sharky's archive.

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